Teenzone's Booked

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Mutiny February 17, 2010

Filed under: Adventure,Historical fiction — sclrobyn @ 1:44 pm
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Mutiny: A Novel of the Bounty by John Boyne

When pickpocket John Jacob Turnstile is arrested for trying to steal a pocketwatch, he is given a choice to either rot in prison or venture on board a ship bound for South Asia.

He chooses to board the bounty, captained by the moody and brilliant Captain Bligh, who leads the crew on a doomed voyage to Tahiti. Bligh meets fierce resistance when he tries to get his crew to leave the idyllic island, and Turnstile finds himself caught between his loyalty to the captain, his intense dislike of the mutineers, and his intense longing for paradise and home.

Readalikes: Stowaway by Karen Hesse; Pirates by Celia Rees